Aurora Alliance

Originally formed in 2016, Aurora is a consortium of research-intensive universities deeply committed to the social impact of our activities, and with a history of engagement with our communities. Our overall vision is to use our academic excellence in education and research to influence societal change. In the first phase of our collaboration, we have prioritized maximising societal impact of research, strengthening diversity and inclusion, and using student engagement to drive innovation in teaching and learning.

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Research Groups

Palacký University


UP constitutes the member of the Aurora Alliance (9 societally engaged research universities in the EU) committed to European University programme, a 36-month-long strategic partnership supported by the European Commission, Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), under the Erasmus PLUS 2020.


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Aurora Staff Training in Kosice: Ways Forward in Fostering Inclusive and Enriching Practices and Policies at the Aurora Universities

On September 24, the second Aurora Capacity Development Training Event of this year was held in Kosice, Slovakia, titled “Diversity and Inclusion – Ways Forward in Fostering Inclusive and Enriching […]

UP succeeds in Aurora’s open call and receives support for projects, summer schools, and researcher mobilities

The first open call aimed at fostering international scientific and academic collaboration, research mobilities, and thematic summer schools, was very much welcomed across the Aurora network. UP is the coordinator […]

International hybrid study programme of the Euridice project heads to accreditation

The international study programme Digital Society, Social Innovation, and Global Citizenship, which is being developed within the Euridice project, has successfully started the accreditation process. It will be implemented at […]


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