Call for Incentive Research Collaboration

The second year of the open call of the Aurora alliance aims to contribute to closer cooperation between European universities. Up to 25,000 euros can be obtained for a joint international projects. The call also supports the organization of thematic summer schools, with an amount of up to 20,000 euros. The third supported activity is short-term mobilities aimed at young scientists. In last year’s call, three projects connected with UP succeeded. This call will be repeated on an annual basis...

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UP organises Aurora BIP on How to increase the Social impact of Teaching by using LOUIS Competencies

UP is organising its first Aurora Blended Intensive Programme entitled How to Increase the Social Impact of Your Teaching: Using the LOUIS Competence Framework to Improve Your Course. This BIP is organised by Maxim Tomoszek at the Faculty of Law with the support of the Aurora education developer, Markéta Šemberová. Maxim Tomoszek leads the Aurora 2030 programme’s LOUIS component. LOUIS is a tool that supports academic teachers in articulating learning outcomes for general academic and...

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International scientific meeting in Innsbruck combines natural sciences and humanities

Under the auspices of the European universities united in the Aurora Alliance, the University of Innsbruck organised a completely unique Erasmus double BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) from 20 to 25 October 2024. More than 40 educators, scientists and administrative staff from Palacký University, the University of Innsbruck, the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Université Paris-Est Créteil, the University of Iceland and, last but not least, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili combined the two areas...

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An increasing number of students from Aurora universities attending UP courses. We want to welcome more for the summer semester!

There is an increasing interest in UP education from across eight Aurora partner universities. A record 20 students registered for the courses offered by UP (8 courses in total, 3 of which require physical attendance, 5 are in a hybrid format). The most popular courses were those taught by Dr. Ankush from the Faculty of Science (Free radicals in Biology and Biomedicine) and Dr. Voráč from the Faculty of Education (Media Education). Students also further registered for the courses taught by Dr....

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Aurora Staff Training in Kosice: Ways Forward in Fostering Inclusive and Enriching Practices and Policies at the Aurora Universities

On September 24, the second Aurora Capacity Development Training Event of this year was held in Kosice, Slovakia, titled “Diversity and Inclusion – Ways Forward in Fostering Inclusive and Enriching Practices and Policies at the Aurora Universities.” The event gathered 65 participants, including senior management, academics, administrative staff and international and domestic students from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (UPJS). Representatives from South-West University “Neofit Rilski”...

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UP succeeds in Aurora’s open call and receives support for projects, summer schools, and researcher mobilities

The first open call aimed at fostering international scientific and academic collaboration, research mobilities, and thematic summer schools, was very much welcomed across the Aurora network. UP is the coordinator of one of the seven supported projects and participates in two others as a partner. It will also participate in the organisation of a summer school and will send two students for research mobilities at partner institutions. The Call for Incentive Research Collaboration was launched...

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International hybrid study programme of the Euridice project heads to accreditation

The international study programme Digital Society, Social Innovation, and Global Citizenship, which is being developed within the Euridice project, has successfully started the accreditation process. It will be implemented at UP under the auspices of the Faculty of Law and will be taught in a hybrid way in collaboration with the Universities of Innsbruck and Naples. Members of the project met in September at the Vienna University of Technology, where they also presented an online teaching platform...

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Join the First Series of Aurora Peace Talks

Join us from September for the first series of Aurora Peace Talks. This lecture series will feature talks by our colleagues from Kharkiv and beyond, and allows them to share their experiences and expertise. Kharkiv city is one of Ukraine’s most important economic and industrial centres and the second biggest educational center in Ukraine,  known as the city of students and youth.  About 300 000 students (12 000 foreign ones)  found their home in one of the Kharkiv’s 11 universities...

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Aurora Staff Training in Ohrid Equips Academics for International Teaching

On the 18th of April, the first Aurora Capacity Development Staff Training took place in Ohrid, North Macedonia. In a bid to enhance global learning opportunities, the COIL Staff Training, the event aimed to empower educators with the necessary tools and knowledge to implement Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). This event the first in a series of trainings, organised in the framework of Aurora’s Capacity Development Programme. These are organized by Palacky University Olomouc...

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Save the date: International Conference on ‘The Role of Higher Education in Peacebuilding’

The Aurora Karazin University Peace Education Hub invites you to a 5-day International Conference on ‘The Role of Higher Education in Peacebuilding’ hosted by the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Innsbruck, from the 17th to 21st of February 2025. This conference aims to bring together international experts – both academics and practitioners in the peacebuilding sector – with higher education policymakers from the Aurora Universities Alliance and its partners, to discuss...

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