Author: R N

Evropská univerzitní síť Aurora nabízí studentům UP příležitost seznámit se se zahraničními vyučujícími i kolegy

Zajímavou studijní nabídku připravila na zimní semestr Univerzita Innsbruck. Škola, která je stejně jako UP součástí evropské univerzitní sítě Aurora, nabízí účast i studentům z partnerských univerzit. Registrace do online kurzů zaměřených například na kritické myšlení, právní, etické i ekonomické problémy digitalizace či udržitelnost je možná od 16. srpna.

Na výuce studijních předmětů, které mezi sebou univerzity sdružené v alianci Aurora sdílejí, se podílejí odborníci ze zapojených evropských škol, včetně Univerzity Palackého. Studenti z různých zemí tak mají příležitost se v pohodlí domova online „potkat“ s vědeckými kapacitami mnoha oborů.

V zimním semestru se mohou v rámci aktuální nabídky pod hlavičkou innsbrucké univerzity seznámit i s docentem Miroslavem Syrovátkou z PřF UP.

„Aliance univerzit Aurora nabízí několik online předmětů, do kterých se mohou přihlásit i studenti UP. Jedním z nich je předmět Sustainability & Climate Change, který pokrývá různé aspekty konceptu udržitelnosti a změny klimatu. První část předmětu je založena na přednáškách zaměřených například na udržitelný životní styl, gender a klimatickou spravedlnost, udržitelnou městskou mobilitu či na moje téma měření udržitelného rozvoje. Druhá část semestru probíhá prostřednictvím workshopů, kde se předpokládá aktivnější účast studentů. Online výuka sice plně nenahradí fyzický kontakt, ale její výhoda je, že umožňuje studentům poměrně snadno participovat na předmětech, kde potkají vyučující a studenty z různých zemí a univerzit v rámci sítě Aurora. Předmět probíhá v pátek dopoledne, proto bude zřejmě méně kolidovat s výukou jiných předmětů na naší univerzitě,“ uvedl docent Syrovátka.

Registrace do kurzů se spouští 16. srpna a končí 10. září. Více podrobností najdete zde.

Open Aurora Courses at the Universität Innsbruck.



On the Universität Innsbruck Aurora Homepage the students can find all necessary information about the application process and the registration link. Below you will find a list of courses for WiSe 2022 / 2023. In particular, we would like highlight the first course listed, as it is part of the Joint Programme: Understanding Europe.


This course is the first part of the Joint Programme: Understanding Europe, formed by the Pilot Domain 3.4.4 – Cultures: Diversity & Identity.  


This course introduces students into studying the visions and challenges of Europe and European integration in the making. Trans-European conflict, cooperation and integration is addressed from a historical and contemporary perspective: We look at the historical constitution of Europe, its political institutions, societal objectives and symbolic representations in media, film, literature, popular culture and arts. In six learning units, we will cover:

  • The European Union: History and Current Challenges
  • Migration and Mobility
  • Philosophical and Political Concepts of Europe
  • War and Conflict in Europe
  • Imagined Others and Memory Cultures
  • Narratives of Europe in film, literature and arts

Although the official deadline is September 4th, students can still apply and their details will be processed manually.



Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Aurora Innsbruck Office team:

Exciting Hybrid Workshop about Generation Z and Co-engaging your Student Communities

Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, refers to the youngest generation born between 1996 and 2010, that will soon after finishing their studies enter the workforce and become a leading and influential part of the society. 
Would you like to learn more about the Gen Z while addressing them with different information at your institutions? 
Together with Strateggo, a Prague-based Strategic Marketing Agency, Palacký University conducted an extensive survey in November 2021, and would like to share the findings that can be relevant to all Aurora universities, working on the co-engagement of their young student communities.

The workshop on Generation Z with Mr. Císař from Strateggo will be held on May 12 from 10:00-12:00 in a hybrid form at Palacký University @ Tř. Svobody 26, room 4.41.

Participants can register online for both in-person and online participation by using these two links:

Palacký participants University can register via this link:

Aurora Participants and from Associate partners can register via this link:


Capacity Development Support (CDS) Awareness Raising and Training event at University of Tetova, North Macedonia (30-31 March 2022)

The 4th CDS Awareness Raising and Training event was hosted by the University of Tetova (UT) in North Macedonia on 30-31 March 2022. It was organized in collaboration with the Aurora CDS Task Team at Palacky University (UP) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). The central theme of the event was: “Transforming Higher Education with a focus on Social entrepreneurship & Diversity and inclusion”. The two-day training event took place in hybrid format: online via Zoom and face-to-face at UT campus in Tetova. The event was open to academic and non-academic staff of the Associate university partners and members of the broader CDS Network involved in teaching, students’ mobility, internationalization of study programmes and university social engagement.

Training on social entrepreneurship was conducted online by Prof. Kai Hockerts (Copenhagen Business School) and Dr. Ondřej Kročil and Prof. Jaroslava Kubátová (Palacky University Olomouc). Diversity and inclusion was presented in person by Prof. Ruard Ganzevoort (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).

The training sessions were video-recorded and made available together with all training materials through the AURORA-CDS virtual catalogue:

2022 Aurora Spring School in Transferable Skills – free of charge for UPOL students!

Period: 4-5 May 2022

Training: 2022 Spring School in Transferable Skills

Hosting university: University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Brief description: Are you thinking about the next step in your career? This 2-day online Spring School in Transferable Skills will focus on developing skills in grant and CV writing, and how to get a faculty position. We will give an overview of the breadth of interviews that can be expected on your interview journey and will provide a space to practise interview questions. We will discuss about team management, public engagement, gender equality and communication in academia and research.

Target group: The School is open to all undergraduate, master and PhD students of Unina and the Aurora network from the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) area.

Modality: online on Zoom – a link to the event will be sent to all participants.

Organisers: The School is organized by the Internationalization Committee of the Department of Pharmacy in collaboration with the network Aurora and the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom).

  • Pasquale Maffia, University of Naples Federico II/University of Glasgow (Chair International Committee Department of Pharmacy)
  • Valeria Costantino, University of Naples Federico II (Internationalization Dean for Erasmus)

Tuition fee: no

Flyer: see attachment

Registration: please send an email to by the 1st of May!

Check the flyer here

Become part of the pool of potential AURORA Doctoral Committee Members!

Reviewer, counterspeaker, committee member wanted for a doctoral thesis? Become part of the pool of potential AURORA Doctoral Committee Members! Gain international experience in doctoral education and establish contacts with reseachers from AURORA partner institutions for further collaborations. Sign up at the link below:

Aurora Alliance Mini-Grant Programme

The International Division of Palacky University Olomouc (UP) is launching Aurora Alliance Mini-Grant Programme to further support the development of the European Universities strategic partnership goals of the Aurora Alliance. This scheme aims to strengthen the cooperation of Palacky University Olomouc with other eight Aurora Alliance university partners beyond the current project activity scope. 

It primarily offers an opportunity to UP Faculties, Education and Research Centres to engage in academic and professional cooperation across the disciplines within the Aurora Alliance. The scheme supports the bottom-up approach and invites academicians and professional staff to build the working teams with Aurora partners by prioritizing their own international academic collaboration ambitions.

If you are interested in applying for a Mini-Grant,  please click on our application form.

For more information on the Aurora Alliance project, you can take a look at the UP Aurora website, and the Central Aurora Alliance website.

To connect with a partner working in your field interest, or if you have any questions regarding the Mini-Grant Programme, please contact Martina Balekova ( at the Aurora Office.

For more inspiration on putting together your application, take a look at some of our suggested topics for Mini-grant funding: 

  • Aurorisation of courses for course leaders, especially in the 4 Pilot domains (using the grants for the full cycle of making your courses more aurora-relevant as per internationalizing your syllabus, adding SDG perspective, online pedagogy tools, administration support)
  • Preparing a specific joint-degree programmes with Departments from Aurora partner institutions (using the mini-grants for the full cycle of programme degree preparations)
  • Research collaboration on SDG-related topics focusing on environmental sustainability, inclusive education and more (e.g.preparing Horizon Europe calls)
  • Preparing joint Erasmus+ collaborations from the level of Study Departments(e.g. upcoming KA 2 107 call openings)
  • Working on social engagement with local actors through your educational programmes (e.g service-learning projects in the community, collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organisations)
  • Specific PhD level research collaboration with Aurora scholars ( e.g initiating collaboration and/or engaging relevant PhD fellows and supervisors from the Aurora Alliance universities and the associate partner universities)
  • Student Initiatives tying into the 4 pilot domains of Health & Wellbeing, Culture: Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability, and Digitalization & Global Citizenship

Aurora Mini-Grants – Frequently Asked Questions

Mini-Grants – Alliance Members and Associate Partners Contact List

Aurorisation of courses and programmes – ONGOING SURVEY

Dear Colleagues,

Working towards aligning our teaching programmes is an important aim of building the inter-university campus through Aurora Alliance activities in the field of education – Work package 3.

To this end, there are two ongoing surveys regarding the data collection on the possibility to move forward with the ‘Aurorisation of courses and programmes’ across the Aurora Alliance.

Survey 1:

Designed for Degree Programme level (for Deans of Studies, Programme Coordinators)

Part 2:

Designed for Course Level (Lecturers and Course holders/Guarantors)


We invite all colleagues across the UP to allocate few minutes of their time and participate in the surveys according to their positions as described above.

Should you have additional questions prior to the participation feel free to contact us at UP Aurora Office.